模拟贪吃蛇游戏 食物对象 (function (win ) { var elements = [] function Foods (x, y, width, height, color ) { this .x = x this .y = y this .width = width || 20 this .height = height || 20 this .color = color || 'green' } Foods.prototype.init = function (map ) { remove() var div = document .createElement('div' ) map.appendChild(div) div.style.width = this .width + 'px' div.style.height = this .height + 'px' div.style.backgroundColor = this .color div.style.position = 'absolute' this .x = parseInt (Math .random() * (map.offsetWidth / this .width)) * this .width this .y = parseInt (Math .random() * (map.offsetHeight / this .height)) * this .height div.style.left = this .x + 'px' div.style.top = this .y + 'px' elements.push(div) } function remove ( ) { for (var i = 0 ; i < elements.length; i++) { var ele = elements[i] ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele) elements.splice(i, 1 ); } } win.Foods = Foods }(window ));
2.1.1 因为食物要被小蛇吃掉,吃掉后应该再次出现食物,原来的食物就删除了
2.1.2 每一次初始化食物的时候先删除原来的食物,然后重新的初始化食物
2.1.3 通过一个私有的函数(外面不能调用的函数)删除地图上的食物,同时最开始的时候食物也相应的保存到一个数组中,再从这个数组中把食物删除
蛇对象 (function (win ) { var elements = [] function Snake (width, height, direction ) { this .width = width || 20 this .height = height || 20 this .body = [{ x: 3 , y: 2 , color: 'red' }, { x: 2 , y: 2 , color: 'orange' }, { x: 1 , y: 2 , color: 'orange' } ] this .direction = direction || 'right' } Snake.prototype.init = function (map ) { remove(); for (var i = 0 ; i < this .body.length; i++) { var obj = this .body[i] var div = document .createElement('div' ) map.appendChild(div) div.style.position = 'absolute' div.style.width = this .width + 'px' div.style.height = this .height + 'px' div.style.left = obj.x * this .width + 'px' div.style.top = obj.y * this .height + 'px' div.style.backgroundColor = obj.color elements.push(div) } } Snake.prototype.move = function (food, map ) { var i = this .body.length - 1 for (; i > 0 ; i--) { this .body[i].x = this .body[i - 1 ].x this .body[i].y = this .body[i - 1 ].y } switch (this .direction) { case 'right' : this .body[0 ].x += 1 ; break case 'left' : this .body[0 ].x -= 1 ; break case 'top' : this .body[0 ].y -= 1 ; break case 'bottom' : this .body[0 ].y += 1 ; break } var headX = this .body[0 ].x * this .width var headY = this .body[0 ].y * this .height if (headX == food.x && headY == food.y) { console .log(headX + '吃到了' + food.x); var snakeLast = this .body[this .body.length - 1 ] this .body.push({ x: snakeLast.x, y: snakeLast.y, color: snakeLast.color }) food.init(map) } } function remove ( ) { var i = elements.length - 1 for (; i >= 0 ; i--) { var ele = elements[i]; ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele) elements.splice(i, 1 ) } } win.Snake = Snake }(window ));
* 属性: 每个身体都有宽,高,方向
* 属性:身体分三个部分,每个部分都是一个对象,每个部分都有横纵坐标,背景颜色
游戏对象 (function (win ) { var that = null function Game (map ) { this .food = new Foods() this .snake = new Snake() this .map = map; that = this } Game.prototype.init = function ( ) { this .food.init(this .map) this .snake.init(this .map) this .run(this .food, this .map) this .bingKey() } Game.prototype.run = function (food, map ) { var runTime = setInterval(function ( ) { this .snake.move(this .food, this .map) this .snake.init(this .map) var maxX = map.offsetWidth / this .snake.width var maxY = map.offsetHeight / this .snake.height var headX = this .snake.body[0 ].x var headY = this .snake.body[0 ].y if (headX < 0 || headX >= maxX) { clearInterval(runTime) alert('Game over' ) } if (headY < 0 || headY >= maxY) { clearInterval(runTime) alert('Game over' ) } }.bind(that), 150 ) } Game.prototype.bingKey = function ( ) { document .addEventListener('keydown' , function (e ) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 37 : this .snake.direction = "left" ; break case 38 : this .snake.direction = 'top' ; break case 39 : this .snake.direction = 'right' ; break case 40 : this .snake.direction = 'bottom' ; break } }.bind(that), false ) } win.Game = Game }(window ))
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang ="en" > <head > <meta charset ="UTF-8" > <meta name ="viewport" content ="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" > <title > Document</title > </head > <style > .map { width: 800px; height: 600px; background-color : #CCC ; position: relative; } </style > <body > <div class ="map" > </div > <script src ="food.js" > </script > <script src ="Snake.js" > </script > <script src ="Game.js" > </script > </body > <script > var map = document .querySelector('.map' ); var gm = new Game(map) gm.init() </script > </html >